…to do some tweaking. Bear with me. I want bigger pictures, so I needed a wider template. This could take a while.
It looks like this is going to involve manually changing the size of my photos in each post and then re-posting all of my old posts with larger photos. If you subscribe to my blog, that probably means you will get tons of notifications while I edit and re-post. What a pain.
If I were you, I would just unsubscribe for a while! I won't be offended if I lose any and all followers during this transition. Though I will attempt to figure out a better way before I do every. single. post.
besides, hopefully I'm going to have a baby tonight or soon and won't have time for this anyway. If that's the case, my apologies for the old posts with the tiny photos!
UGH! Get me all excited....
So, the nesting phase has turned hi-tech, eh?
ha! yes, I guess my nesting is happening while I sit on my tush at the computer!!
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