Miss Lucy.

who is already a month old! (I think I've mentioned before that I'm not very timely with my posting.)

This girl has turned our world upside down.

The first few weeks of being her mama were the toughest weeks of my life. From the long, hard labor that went nowhere to the totally un-wanted c-section that got this stubborn girl out at 42 weeks, to the feeding issues and recovery time in a crowded hospital, this experience has challenged me at every turn.

I even wondered at times if I would be able to say it was worth it in the end. Just look at that face, though.

I love you, Lucy, more than I'll ever be able to explain to you.
My dear friend Andrea, who knit me a blanket for a wedding gift, spent who knows how many hours knitting Lucy this beautiful blanket that I want to wear as a sweater! It's one of the most precious gifts I was given. She also had Lucy's full name put onto a set of wooden blocks…shown in the second photo here. The felt flower was made by my friend Julie, who started making and selling all sorts of cute hair accessories recently, and I won this one in a contest she ran! Love the colors in both, and how they work so well together.
Ohmygosh! That last picture is a hoot! Makes me laugh. Nancy
Aw, baby is so adorable. :-) I bet that blanket is going to be one of her favs! :-)
Beautiful. Precious. Love. I am so glad you are on the "other side" of the first month. No matter the age I don't believe anything prepares one for a baby... except The Baby!!
She is such an alert little bug!! I had actually purchased a gift for little Lucy... it was a wind chime in the shape of a snail. Sadly for me... and gladly for YoU... it has gotten lost in all of our travels! I am on the lookout for the PeRFeCT gift!
Miss you my friend! I wish I could have been with you to help a little... if only to grab the handles of the chair with you when she latched...!! Love You!
I heard you had a baby, so I checked your site and sure enough there are beautiful pictures of your baby girl. Ethan was a very unplanned c-section and I had a very tough recovery, but I can say that it was SO very worth it. Cherish EVERY moment you have with her. Ethan just turned one and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone! Best wishes, Kim
Hey Jen! Thanks for your sweet comment today! I love your blog and again..you're pics are just beautiful!
I immediately was drawn to the pics of Lucy with the blanket because I also craft but crochet, instead of knit. I'd love to learn how to knit someday! The blanket your friend made is so beautiful and perfect! Definitely something that will be cherished forever!
So glad you're a part of our MOPS group. Can't wait to get to know you better! :)
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