And every man needs an excuse to wander around outside with a hacksaw in his hand and a measuring tape hooked on his belt!

The few short-needled trees we saw growing made Charlie Brown's tree look stunning.

Sixty-four degrees and clear, sunny skies was a bit of a different experience from my childhood memories of Christmas play practice and lots of snow and boots and snow pants and a sled and chainsaws. But I'll take it.
We debated getting one of the ones they ship in from Washington state…which seemed much more like Christmas trees to us…but decided that we would go with the local Monterey Pine instead. Perfectly shaped, very full…and I'm thinking we can just throw ornaments at it and they'll lodge themselves in amongst those long soft needles just fine!

Oh, I like your approach to decorating--the "ornament toss" can become a new family tradition! :-) Isn't it neat how being a family of three changes how you celebrate & prepare for the holidays? We're so excited for this year--our little man will be much more involved in the festivities than he was last year.
It was 70 here when we went to cut ours down last week. You must have been cold :) Didn't seem right as like you said. You needed the snow boots, snow pants and all other winter paraphernalia to go get one in NY!
It is a good family tradition though :)
Always enjoy your posts! Looks like CA is treating you quite well. :) Hope you and your family have a Very Merry Christmas!
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